English Manifesto
I. Fyrnsidu Brasil is a non-profitable organisation established in Brazil. We are a small group of Heathens which dedicate ourselves to the retrieval of the knowledge, "spirituality", wisdom, traditions and customs of the peoples today known as Anglo-Saxons, the Germanic settlers of Britain before their conversion to Christianity.
II. Our main tool in this process is the Reconstructionism. We define it as a research methodology based on the analysis and interpretation of both medieval manuscripts and modern scolarship, in order to have a more accurate idea of what the elder Anglo-Saxon Heathens of Britain thought, did and lived.
III. We do not support any kind of segregation nor prejudice, be it racism, LGBTphobia, sexism etc. Our aim is to build a community of human beings linked by a shared culture, and this is what matter to us. All those who join us have the same voice and rights, no matter who they are. We condemn any kind of far-right politics, be it alt-right or whatever bullshit they call themselves today.
IV. Our organisation in this moment is something unique in South America, mainly due to our influences. Some foreign groups had a big impact upon us, the main of these being Lārhūs Fyrnsida, Allodium Francorum, Hvergelmir International, Hermes Saucedo's Wyrdes Wegas and the Garman Lord's Theodism. However, we claim no affiliation to any of them, and we regard ourselves as a distinct group living by our own ideas, which may or may not be understood or accepted by the aforementioned groups and other Anglo-Saxon Heathens.
V. The most important of our values is the usage of Brazilian Portuguese, our mother language, as the main tongue in which we express ourselves. We are often forced to read and study in English, but most of our country does not speak it. This is why we have many texts translated from English from the groups who inspired us, to make this lore available to people around us. Ours is not only an internet showcase for international appreciation, it is the guide of our customs and practices, which helps us in our path. So, if you do want to know more of us, please have the respect of trying to understand us in our main tongue as we do with you. No one is less important just because he or she speaks a non-English language.
VI. We understand Heathenry as a tradition. And we do not understand tradition as a static rock that is not modified through the time, rather as a shared set of ideias and guidelines that are characteristic to a people. In Brazil we still have living indigenous peoples, while in Britain and even in US or Canada they still exist, they're often neglected by the white settlers. We in Fyrnsidu Brasil regard them as a living example of a non-Germanic but still Heathen tradition, and they can show us relatively good how ethnic traditions can be understood and practiced in the modern world.
Final. We respect all other Ásatrú, Heathen, Norse Pagans, Wiccan, Traditional Witchcraft, Occultist, Esotericist and all other religious and spiritualist groups. However we still regard ourselves as a distinct group in our lore and traditions and we know that in many points many other groups may disagree with us. One of our main aims is to build a culture free from the influence of the New Age movement as much as we can. It is totally fine, and we are not here to prosecute anyone. Nevertheless, we also claim the independence and freedom of thought and practice, in the same way we give it to others.